opening times

美 [ˈoʊpənɪŋ taɪmz]英 [ˈəʊpənɪŋ taɪmz]
  • n.(酒馆的法定)开始营业时间
  • opening time的复数
opening timesopening times

opening times


  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT (商店、银行、酒吧等的)开始营业时间;(图书馆等的)开门时间
    You can refer to the time that a shop, bank, library, or bar opens for business as its opening time.

    Shoppers began arriving long before the 10am opening time.


  • 2
    N-PLURAL (商店、餐馆等的)营业时间;(博物馆等的)开放时间
    The opening times of a place such as a shop, a restaurant, or a museum is the period during which it is open.

    Ask the local tourist office about opening times.


  1. Can you look up the opening times on the website ?


  2. Ask the local tourist office about opening times .


  3. Please confirm details about opening times when making your reservation .


  4. A No , but you can find the opening times on the website .


  5. The intake and exhaust valve opening times will overlap as RPMs rise , recycling some of the charge the outgoing air creates .


  6. But the firm sees bigger applications , such as pointing a smartphone at an illuminated shop sign to read information being transmitted by the light : opening times , for example , or the latest bargains .


  7. They are , as you can see , suitable opening times that means you have access when needed and that can make a lot of difference to the number of people attending , plus our interpreter service , particularly useful for undergraduate enquirers wishing to take advantage of language support services in your institutions .


  8. Philosophy and social sciences should enhance their explanation abilities facing the newly-built culture structure and living style in the reform and opening up times .


  9. Can you tell me the opening and closing times ?


  10. Our opening and closing times are posted on the door .


  11. Like every other writer , I had heard this opening a thousand times in my career .


  12. Wang Tao was a pioneer who first put forward the idea of reform and opening in recent times in China .


  13. You don 't need to make an appointent , just make a phone call to check the opening and closing times .


  14. A control system for the intake camshaft to vary the opening and closing times in combination with a valve lift system is necessary .


  15. After testing the prototypes of her new handbag line , Hearst improved the hardware and closure of her " Nina " bag because it was opening too many times in a way she didn 't like .


  16. The variation of negative pressures in seedling launching mechanism and the relationship of seedling dropping time and displacement with pressure were studied to determine the best opening and closing times of air sucking valve and seedling launching valve .


  17. The law , in the face of opening and competition times , focuses on heightening our competitive power and strengthening the functions of public benefits to develop agriculture as nation 's core industry which contributes to supply civil provisions sufficiently , preserve territorial environment , and so on .


  18. The modern private universities is products of reforming and opening as well as times ' need .


  19. This develops and expands Chinese tradition culture with regard to , the hotel opening up a modern times designs that road has important reference significance .


  20. Tonight marks the opening of " Huantie Times – the first Chinese Contemporary Art Tribe Invitation Exhibition " . On behalf of the Art Tribe , I would like to extend my sincere welcome to all of you !
